Remember the Light Lantern

sensory faith
Remembering the Light

You will need:
Empty, clean glass jar
PVA glue
Paint brush
Tissue paper

How to Make It:
Cut some of your tissue paper into small squares. (A little goes a long way!)
In a glass add some PVA and a little water to thin it out.
Using the Brush, cover a section of the jar with the glue, then add pieces of tissue paper however you like!
Keep brushing a section and adding tissue paper until the jar is covered.
Once the jar is covered, brush a final layer of the PVA onto the jar ensuring that all edges of the tissue paper have been stuck down.
Place the jar somewhere to dry.
Once dry, add a tealight or battery operated tealight candle.
Now wait for it to get dark so you can see how beautiful the glow is!

If you don’t have a glass jar, check out this alternative from Flame Creative Children’s Ministry

Holy Tuesday

lectionary, worship resources

Welcome to Tuesday in Holy Week. This week as we explore the readings of Holy Week through our senses today’s reading for us is from John’s gospel (RCL yr A) and can be found here.

It is the story of Jesus talking about his impending death with the disciples and what it means to follow him.

In John 12:20-36, Jesus explains to the disciples the way in which he will be glorified. He talks about the way that his hour has now come, using metaphors of wheat and light to talk about himself. So today we are going to focus on thinking about Jesus as the light.

Thinking About This

Take a few moments to think about this story today using the prompts below. Write about it for yourself or share a conversation with someone you love.

Have you ever been somewhere so dark you couldn’t see your own hand in front of you?
How did feel for you?
What happened after you brought light into that space?

What do you think Jesus was trying to say to the disciples?
Do you think the disciples understood what he was saying?
Can you think of other places in the Bible where Jesus talks about light?

How might you share your light today? 

Embodying This Story

Watch the story here from LUMO Project
Or here for a great all age telling from Holy Tales Bible Stories

Today we are going to create some light to carry us into the week. Check out this creation!

Get your groove on with Hillsong Kids here as they sing about the Light of the World.

Other great resources: dough matcolouring page, colourful prayer