Holy Monday

lectionary, sensory faith, worship resources

Welcome to Monday in Holy Week. This week as we explore the readings of Holy Week through our senses today’s reading for us is from John’s gospel (RCL yr A) and can be found here. It is the story of a woman’s extravagant love for Jesus in sharing something so precious and expensive with him. It is a reminder of the way in which we are invited to love God and others, with a generous and unbound love.

In John 12:1-7, at a meal given in Jesus’ honor, Mary expressed her devotion to the Lord by breaking open an expensive jar of fragrant oil, anointing Jesus’ feet with it, and wiping them with her hair. Some present objected, but Jesus defended Mary for her actions. Our sense of smell is a very powerful thing in helping us to feel comforted, disgusted or even a bit ill. Jesus accepts Mary’s offering as it fills his senses.

Thinking About This

Take a few moments to think about this story today using the prompts below. Write about it for yourself or share a conversation with someone you love.

What is your favourite smell in the whole wide world?
What is one thing you absolutely can’t stand the smell of?
What is a smell that brings to mind a special memory?

What is the most precious thing you own?
Have you ever love someone so much that you were willing to give up your previous item for them?

How do you think Mary was feeling? How about Jesus?
How about Judas? Have a think about the way he responded to Mary’s offering.
What about the others gathered there, have a think about how they might be feeling. Pretend you are one of them present and write, draw or talk about your response.

How can we be generous with our love towards others just like Mary was towards Jesus?

How might you show your love for God today?

Embodying This Story

Watch the story here from LifeKids.

Using your senses see if you can beat the challenge of What is that smell?

Other great resources: jigsaw puzzle, code words, spot the difference, word search, colouring pages

For something extra, you can look here for ideas on how we tell God how much we love God through prayers of praise and adoration.